
The YVC shares its enthusiasm and dedication for preserving the Yucaipa Valley with a number of other local volunteer groups and city appointed committees. To optimize its positive impact in the community, the Yucaipa Valley Conservancy frequently shares knowledge and resources, as well as coordinates activities that promote its goals.

Nature Hikes

Members of YVC frequently participate or lead local hikes in context with the “Take-A-Hike Yucaipa” program, which was conceived in early 2017. These hikes are open to the public and usually take place on the second Saturday of each month. Most hikes are easy to moderate in difficulty using the local multi-purpose trail system of Yucaipa and Crafton Hills.

The hikes usually start early in the morning to avoid the midday heat, but there are also sunset and night time hikes, as well as themed hikes, such as nature or historic hikes. The Yucaipa Trails’ Club Calendar has specific information about individual hikes.

Community Activities

Other community activities of the YVC include the participation on the annual Make-A-Difference day, volunteering time for cleaning up trails and parks, or participating in appointed positions in committees or commissions that share common goals with the YVC. Some of the board members of the YVC also work in fields that directly or indirectly benefit the local environment

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